Sunday 2 June 2024

Adoption of eLearning techniques emphasised

Cairo, October 18, 2008

An eLearning workshop being hosted by Egypt's Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) in conjunction with ITWorx at Gitex will call for a change in mindset of school administrators to give greater impetus to the adoption of eLearning techniques.

According to ITIDA, strengthening the eLearning bond between teachers and parents is a pre-condition to the successful implementation and faster rollout of eLearning for students.

"eLearning is not just for students," said Dr Hazem Abdelazim, CEO ITIDA.

"School administrators have to embrace e-processes in the 'back office' of schools and engage parents in the eLearning experience for it to be really effective.

"Many teachers and pupils across the Middle East realize the benefits of eLearning across all curriculum subjects through collaborative resource sharing and adopting pedagogical practices to prepare students for the new knowledge based economy.

"Now is the time to engage parents as part of the eLearning process and that requires a change of mindset among school administrators and guardians."

ITIDA has assembled an impressive panel of experienced eLearning practitioners, including Dr John Zook who is a special advisor to the UAE Ministry of Education, and Wael Amin, CEO of ITWorx, the Egyptian professional IT services firm that is a global training centre for the Microsoft Learning Gateway (MLG) solution.

Dr Hazem Abdelazim said: "This workshop will show that it's not a case of 'whether' but 'when' to introduce eLearning solutions to better prepare students for the future and involve parents in the learning process, too.  This workshop will be highly topical and relevant."

Identified by the Yankee Group as a global outsourcing hotspot because of its abundance of multilingual and technical graduates, Egypt's software development sector is helping to set international standards in eLearning.
The ITIDA eLearning workshop will take place at 10am on Wednesday, October 22 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center (DICEC) Gitex Technology Week, Hall 3, Stand 310.

To secure a place, please register on the ‘Egypt-On’ ITIDA stand in Hall 2, Stand F2–20. - TradeArabia News Service

Tags: ITIDA | ITWorx | eLearning workshop |

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