Sunday 16 June 2024

Noh ...... Expanding brand presence into the Middle East
a hugely significant move

Tristone set to expand operations into Mideast

LONDON, June 5, 2015

Tristone UK, a leading supplier of Tristone acrylic surface products for use in kitchen, bathroom, shop fitting and office design industry, is set to extend its global territorial reach into the Middle East.

This is part of a major expansion strategy for the family-run business based in Stockton-on-Tees, which has spent the last 14 years introducing the UK market to the advantages of its unique worktops, said a statement.

Howard Noh, managing director, said: "Expanding our brand presence into the Middle East is a hugely significant move for our business.

“We have worked tirelessly to ensure the planned ME expansion runs smoothly and we are confident that our partners out there are going to do a brilliant job of showcasing our product range, delivering great results for us in this exciting new market.

"Tristone offers practical alternatives to solid-stone surfaces, maintaining a consistently high quality bespoke finish. We believe our product will fill a gap in the burgeoning Middle Eastern markets because we are able to offer a better value for money than similar alternatives.

The acrylic solid surfaces manufactured by Lion Chemtech, Tristone is less prone to cracking, chipping and scratching on the surface, said the statement.

“In the unlikely event of damage, the surface can be repaired without leaving a trace, delivering a good as new and flawless finish. This makes the product perfect for any use," Noh added. - TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Middle East | UK | extend | Tristone |

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