Wednesday 26 June 2024

Shell wins Abu Dhabi F1 track contract

Dubai, October 21, 2009

Shell Bitumen said it has won a contract to supply binders, including Shell Cariphalte Racetrack, for the new Yas Marina Circuit which is set to host the inaugural Abu Dhabi Grand Prix next month.

Shell Cariphalte Racetrack is a Shell-designed, high-performance binder with high shear and stress properties that allow enhanced road performance in terms of resistance to extreme heat, rutting (or deformation), cracking, stripping and ageing - important properties for roads of high intensity usage such as race tracks.

Shell Cariphalte Racetrack was selected by the racetrack contractors Cebarco-WCT, and consultants Tilke & Partners Abu Dhabi, due to its excellent suitability for withstanding the demanding conditions created during a Formula One race, Shell Bitumen said in a statement.

This is the second contract win for the company following the success of the Singapore Grand Prix, said a top official.

Asada Harinsuit, Shell Bitumen vice president said, “I am delighted with the success of Shell Cariphalte Racetrack. This is another exciting win for Shell Bitumen and reflects the strong teamwork, determination and focus on delivery by our Sales, Marketing and Technical  teams”

Shell Cariphalte Racetrack meets all the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) stringent track requirements and has been used on other high-stress surfaces, including the Bahrain Formula One track, the Sepang circuit in Malaysia and the Singapore street circuit where the first night time Grand Prix was held in September 2008, he added.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: | Shell Bitumen | Yas Marina Circuit | race track |

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