Sunday 2 June 2024

Rohit Walia and Sameena Ahmad received
the CSR Label awarded from Hamad Buamim

Top banks win DCCI's CSR awards

Manama, March 26, 2013

Alpen Capital and Bank Sarasin-Alpen were recently awarded the CSR Label by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) for a second year in a row.

Rohit Walia, executive vice chairman & CEO of both organisations received the honour from Hamad Buamim, the director general of the Dubai Chamber at a ceremony in recognition of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability efforts.

Alpen Capital and Bank Sarasin-Alpen were recognised with the Dubai Chamber CSR label for their best in class practices in the areas of sustainability and CSR impacting employees, clients, community and the environment.

Both organisations also have long standing partnerships with charity organisations and NGO’s such as Dubai Cares, UNICEF and Emirates Environmental Group and support them in their efforts towards a better future. They also engage their employees to practice responsible behavior and encourage them to actively volunteer in several community and environmental initiatives.

“Congratulations to Alpen Capital and Bank Sarasin-Alpen for receiving the label for a second year in a row. This is an achievement in itself as this shows their efforts in integrating CSR into their governance and strategy while leading by example,’ said Buamim.

“Their efforts also demonstrate the increasing sophistication of Dubai’s business landscape which accommodates businesses of all types and sizes and encourages them to adopt international best practices with regards to CSR and sustainability.”

Rohit Walia said: “We are proud to be honoured with the CSR Label by the Dubai Chamber for a second year in a row. We consider ourselves to be an organisation with a conscience and find it important to focus on performance beyond numbers.”

“We have an engaged workforce who plays an important role in helping us drive our CSR strategy and I hope we continue with our efforts in impacting CSR practices across the region,” he added. – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Dubai | DCCI | Alpen Capital | Bank Sarasin-Alpen | CSR Award |

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