Wednesday 26 June 2024

ENBD hosts wealth management roadshows

Dubai, March 27, 2012

Emirates NBD is hosting a series of wealth management roadshows for its priority banking customers, in line with its objective to provide customers with comprehensive financial planning services.

Customers have the opportunity to get a comprehensive financial health check, including identifying personal financial goals and objectives and explore solutions that will enable them to reach these goals, a statement from the bank said.

The 41-day initiative, which kicked off this month, aims to meet with more than 800 customers across 16 of the bank’s key priority banking centres in UAE. These roadshows are an extension of the dedicated ‘investment weeks’ that Emirates NBD has been organising in previous years, the statement said.

“The mass affluent population in the UAE has been witnessing significant growth rate in recent years, despite tough global economic conditions, and studies by TNS’ Global Affluent Investor last year, identified the UAE as one of the top five countries with considerable investable assets among the affluent,” said Frederic de Melker, head of priority banking, Emirates NBD.

“Given that much of this is newly acquired wealth, mass affluent customers are still relatively new to wealth management strategies and investment options to further grow their money,” he said.

“Everyone has a unique situation, and there are no concrete financial numbers that define success, but there are some rules of thumb that can help you gauge your progress and put you on the right track. Emirates NBD is embarking on this wealth management roadshow for our priority banking customers with the objective to offer customers guidance and financial planning consultancy, to enable them to identify the optimum ways of reaching their personal financial goals,” added deMelker.

Customers visiting the bank’s dedicated priority banking centres during this period will have the opportunity to meet with investment specialists from Emirates NBD asset management in addition to wealth advisors and relationship managers from priority banking, to discuss their personal financial goals, and get a comprehensive financial health check–up done.

The team of specialists will also use this opportunity to share insights from the latest market trends, analysis of the key economic news and expectations for the rest of 2012, the statement said.

Existing and potential customers who are open to investments, besides traditional banking products like FDs, are invited to book their own private meeting with their relationship managers and wealth advisors.

The wealth experts will analyse customer profiles, do a need-gap analysis and recommend relevant solutions to further facilitate the customer’s journey on the path of success, it said. – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: UAE | Dubai | Emirates NBD | Roadshow | Priority Banking |

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