Monday 17 June 2024

Bahrain Financing sets up Pakistan Relief Fund

Manama, September 5, 2010

Bahrain Financing Company (BFC), the kingdom’s oldest money transfer and foreign exchange group, has set up a relief fund to help alleviate the sufferings of flood victims in Pakistan.

BFC has reaffirmed its support for the ongoing humanitarian assistance by making an initial donation to the fund.

The Pakistan Relief Fund, which is active from now until the end of the year, is open to BFC customers, employees and anyone who wishes to contribute to this noble cause, a statement said.

At the end of every month, BFC will donate the contributed amount to the Bahrain Red Crescent Society to ensure that effective and accountable financial aid reaches those affected, it said.

Ebrahim Nonoo, managing director and CEO of BFC, said: “Our thoughts are with everyone who is affected by the worst catastrophe in Pakistan in decades. To support the overwhelming humanitarian needs, BFC has established the Pakistan Relief Fund to encourage our customers, employees and residents of Bahrain to join in this relief effort and turn their compassion into aid for the flood survivors.

'We urge everyone to contribute generously and join us in assisting the flood victims in Pakistan. BFC is committed to contributing to the development of the local and global communities it operates in, especially in times of critical national tragedies such as this,” he said. - TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Pakistan | Bahrain Financing Company | flood relief |

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