Tuesday 18 June 2024
Non-oil economy

Dubai's non-oil economy set for solid growth

Dubai's non-oil private sector has made a strong start to the final quarter of 2017, thanks to the steep expansions in activity and contribution from new businesses in October, according to Emirates NBD Dubai Economy Tracker Index. 


Qatar's non-oil economy set for solid growth

Qatar’s efforts to broaden the economic base away from a reliance on hydrocarbons are gaining pace, as indicated by the country’s non-oil growth figures, said a new report by the global publishing firm Oxford Business Group (OBG).


Qatar's non-oil economy set for solid growth

Qatar’s efforts to broaden the economic base away from a reliance on hydrocarbons are gaining pace, as indicated by the country’s non-oil growth figures, said a new report by the global publishing firm Oxford Business Group (OBG).


Qatar’s non-oil economy sees steady growth

Qatar’s non-oil economy has witnessed steady growth and the country was well placed to meet its 2030 vision, in which economic diversification is a key component, said the economy and commerce minister. Qatar has been able t

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