Sunday 2 June 2024
Fifa president

Sheikh Salman positions as safest option in Fifa vote

In a Fifa presidential election where all candidates are presenting themselves as reformers, Asian soccer boss Sheikh Salman Bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa is making his pitch as the safest option to officials beleaguered by the organisation's crisi


Sheikh Salman submits candidacy papers to Fifa

The president of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), Sheikh Salman Bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa of Bahrain, has formally entered the race to become Fifa president, the Bahrain News Agency reported on Sunday. The agency said Sheikh S


Platini to stand for Fifa presidency

UEFA head Michel Platini announced on Wednesday his intention to stand for presidency of Fifa in place of Sepp Blatter. "This was a very personal, carefully considered decision, one in which I weighed up the future of footbal


Blatter ‘may seek to stay as Fifa boss’

Sepp Blatter may seek to stay on as the president of Fifa, a Swiss newspaper quoted an anonymous source close to Blatter as saying on Sunday. The report comes less than two weeks after Blatter resigned as head of the world soccer


Jordan eyes Fifa president job for Prince Ali

The Jordanian FA has begun legal inquiries into whether defeated FIFA presidential candidate Prince Ali bin Al Hussein could replace Sepp Blatter without the need for a second election, it said on Tuesday. Blatter unexpectedly ann

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