Tuesday 18 June 2024
Sedco Holding

Sedco among top 10 places to work in Saudi

Sedco Holding Group, a leading Shariah-compliant organisation, has been awarded the rank of eighth  best place to work by ‘Great Place to Work’ in Saudi Arabia in 2015, having ranked 11th best place in the past year 2014.


Sedco to highlight smart workplace of the future

Sedco Holding, a leading Shariah-compliant organization, will highlight the ‘skills needed in the future workplace’, detailing the current futuristic trends at an upcoming human resources forum in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


Sedco sees more global presence by 2025

Sedco Holding Group, a leading Shariah-compliant organisation based in Saudi Arabia, has unveiled its growth strategy for 2025 through expansion of its investment ventures across the globe. The company is responsible for a diverse

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