Sunday 2 June 2024

BP Oman begins appraisal of Amin reservoir

BP Oman has started appraisal work of the Amin reservoir in the northern area of its Block 61 license in central Oman, which could equate energy producing volumes to around half of the Sultanate's current combined gas output by 2020, accor


Bahrain govt staff to face new ability assessment plan

Key public sector staff in Bahrain are to face a tough new assessment of their abilities.    A performance-based appraisal has been launched in a bid to promote the culture of meritocracy, said a report in t


Chesterton enters automobile appraisals

Chesterton, the international property agency established in 1805, has announced that the company is currently making inroads into the automobile and heavy equipment appraisals due to the buoyant market conditions in the UAE. Ches


BP awards contracts on Oman field

BP today announced several major contracts for the appraisal of the Khazzan/ Makarem gas field in Oman’s Block 61 awarded to BP in January. These include contracts for seismic acquisition services, seismic reprocessing,  select stage

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