Saturday 1 June 2024
property investors

VAT 'to increase costs for GCC property investors'

The real estate sector is likely to become a costlier investment across the GCC region following the implementation of value-added tax (VAT), according to a survey of local chartered financial analysts (CFA). With VAT set to be ap


Abu Dhabi 'becoming hotspot for property investors'

Abu Dhabi is fast emerging as the prime financial, trading, logistics and business hub in the region and might well be giving neighbouring Dubai a worthy challenge in the years ahead, said a report. While many thought low oil pric


Newer areas of Dubai under property investors’ radar

Newer areas of Dubai, UAE, are coming under property investors’ radar as the market becomes more end-user driven, said a report. The real-estate transactions in 2014 were spread out across the emirate of Dubai, according to

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