Tuesday 18 June 2024

Saudi prince eyes investment in Egypt

Prince Khaled bin Waleed Al Saud, a member of the Saudi Arabian royal family, has expressed his desire to invest in Egypt by establishing a number of projects, especially in Sharm El-Sheikh, a report said. Prince Khaled, who is al


Saudi prince eyes investment in Egypt

Prince Khaled bin Waleed Al Saud, a member of the Saudi Arabian royal family, has expressed his desire to invest in Egypt by establishing a number of projects, especially in Sharm El-Sheikh, a report said. Prince Khaled, who is al


Coriant appoints Khaled Zeidan as MD, Middle East and Africa

Coriant, a leading supplier of packet optical, IP, and SDN solutions to Tier 1 global service providers and web-scale Internet operators, today announced the appointment of Khaled Zeidan as managing director of Middle East and Africa. I


Saudi official awarded French 'Knight of the Legion of Honor’

The French government has conferred the ‘Knight of the Legion of Honor’ award to Sheikh Khaled Juffali in recognition of his prominent activities and efforts aimed at strengthening trade relations between Saudi Arabia and France.

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