Monday 17 June 2024

UAE’s leadership highlights importance of youth empowerment

The UAE’s leadership considers youth empowerment utmost priority and spares no efforts to ensure their development and contribution to placing the country on the global competitiveness map, said a report. HH Sheikh Mohamed b


UAE Space Agency highlights importance of sector

Leaders of the UAE Space Agency showcased the positive impact of partnerships and the strategic importance of developing the UAE space industry at the recent 2nd International Space Exploration Forum (ISEF2), which was held in Tokyo, Japan.


AIM to highlight importance of free zones

The role of free zones in shaping and promoting competitive economy will be discussed at the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) which will take place next month in Dubai, UAE. The event aims to encourage international investments and


AIG showcases importance of insurance for SMEs

American International Group (AIG), a leading insurance company, showcased the importance of insurance for the growing Omani small and medium sized enterprises sector, delivering keynote presentations and practical workshops for attendees at a c

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