Saturday 1 June 2024

Udrive’s pay-per-minute car rental launched in Sharjah

Udrive, a dedicated pay-per-minute car rental service, today opened its services to residents and visitors of Sharjah. The new service will initially provide 100 vehicles as part of its plan to offer the smartest and innovative tr


Dubai leads hospitality sector growth

Dubai is leading the growth in the region's hospitality industry, with the highest average price per key in Q1 2017 amongst the 21 cites in the Mena region at $446,000, an increase of $4,000 on Q4 2016. Dubai's hotel perfo


Per Aquum Desert Palm offers new luxury villa experience

The world’s most elite travellers have a new secret hideaway to call home in Dubai, with the launch of Per Aquum Desert Palm’s Layali. The just-unveiled villa, designed by Isabelle Miaja, takes Arabian luxury into stri

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