Saturday 15 June 2024
food show

Gulfood opens doors for multi-billion dollar trade

Gulfood 2015, a leading global gateway for foodstuff commodities trade which concluded in Dubai, UAE, is expected to generate show-floor trading and year-round legacy sales numbering in the billions of US dollars. Spanning more th


Dubai gears up for biggest food show

More than 4,800 international food companies will be showcasing their products and solutions at the Gulfood 2015, the largest annual food and hospitality trade show, which opens in Dubai, UAE, tomorrow. Gulfood 2015, the world&rsq


Dubai gears up Mideast region's biggest food show

One of the fastest growing segments of the worldwide food industry and currently worth $1.1 trillion globally, the international Halal food market occupies an integral part of Gulfood 2015, the landmark 20th anniversary of the world’s lead


Over 1,000 firms to take part in Dubai food show

Dubai is set to host its inaugural 'Gulfood Manufacturing' show which will feature more than 1,100 international machinery, equipment, product and service suppliers from 52 countries, as well as 24 official country pavilions.

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