Saturday 1 June 2024
Ali Al Naimi

Saudi gets new oil minister in cabinet shake-up

Saudi Arabia's King Salman on Saturday replaced his veteran oil minister and restructured some big ministries in a major reshuffle apparently intended to support a wide-ranging economic reform programme unveiled last week. The


Saudi gets new oil minister in cabinet shake-up

Saudi Arabia's King Salman on Saturday replaced his veteran oil minister and restructured some big ministries in a major reshuffle apparently intended to support a wide-ranging economic reform programme unveiled last week. The


Naimi discusses oil market with Russian, Algerian officials

Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ali Al Naimi discussed Opec and the oil market with officials from Russia and Algeria, Saudi state news agency SPA reported.   Naimi met in Riyadh with Viktor Zubkov, chairman


Crisis veteran Naimi stays to hold line on Saudi oil policy

The new Saudi king's decision to keep Ali Al Naimi in his job as oil minister signalled to energy markets that the world's top crude exporter would not flinch from its policy of refusing to cut output as it fiercely guards market share


Saudis give free-marketers dose of their medicine

Attention all oil producers: Saudi Arabia wants to tell you something. If a truly free market sets the price, it will be far too low for comfort. Ali Al Naimi, the kingdom's oil minister, wants others to shar


Al Naimi asks why output must be cut

Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al Naimi shrugged off suggestions that the world's biggest crude exporter might cut production to reverse the deepest price slump in years, saying the kingdom's output had remained


Saudi oil policy uncertainty unleashes speculation

If Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al Naimi wants to stop speculation spreading before a crucial Opec meeting next week, it's too late.   Al Naimi's intervention last week after a two-month silence failed to addre


Mexico energy minister to meet Ramirez, Al Naimi

Mexico's Energy Minister Pedro Joaquin Coldwell will meet with Venezuela's visiting Foreign Minister Rafael Ramirez and with Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al Naimi, officials said, against a backdrop of weaker global oil prices.

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