Thursday 13 June 2024
Healthcare sector

Batelco provides cloud solutions for healthcare sector

Bahrain’s leading telecom service operator has announced the launch of ‘MyClinic’ application, a digital cloud-based solution that is ideal for medical staff working in hospitals and clinics across the kingdom. &


Big investment prospects seen in UAE healthcare

UAE’s education sector is entering a crucial phase enabling it to reach its potential, an industry expert said, adding that opportunities to invest are plentiful in the sector. Emad Mansour, CEO of Audacia Capital was speaki


UAE healthcare market on track to top $28bn

A shift in demand for preventive care, a rise in specialist services and digital health will drive the UAE healthcare market to surge from the current Dh64 billion ($17 billion) to over Dh103 billion ($28 billion) by 2021, a report said.


Zero.1 set to develop LiFi solution for healthcare

UAE-based Zero.1, light fidelity (LiFi) company, is in the final development stages for Healthcare4U, a revolutionary management system for the healthcare sector. The UAE healthcare market is projected to reach $19.5 billion by 20


Zero.1 set to develop LiFi solution for healthcare

UAE-based Zero.1, light fidelity (LiFi) company, is in the final development stages for Healthcare4U, a revolutionary management system for the healthcare sector. The UAE healthcare market is projected to reach $19.5 billion by 20

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