Monday 17 June 2024
Ramada Hotels

Ramada Ajman promotes staff members

Ramada Hotel and Suites Ajman, a premier accommodation in the UAE emirate, has promoted four of its staff members. Liyakath Ali has been promoted from assistant manager for Housekeeping to assistant executive housekeeper. He will be hea


Ramada Ajman hotels offer labourers Iftar buffet

Ramada Hotel & Suites Ajman and Ramada Beach Hotel Ajman, two leading hospitality properties in the UAE emirate, arranged a special Iftar for up to 200 labourers in the emirate in an effort to show compassion and generosity during the holy m


Ramada Abu Dhabi to boost summer tourism at ATM

Ramada Hotel Abu Dhabi aims to reach a number of national companies in UAE and Saudi Arabia during the Arabian Travel Market in Dubai next week, to provide staff holiday packages during the summer season. Ismail Ibrahim, director of mar

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