Saturday 15 June 2024
Emirates Park Zoo

Emirates Park Zoo opens extension with more animals

Emirates Park Zoo and Resort’s new 6,500 sq m zoo extension that hosts a herd of exotic animals opened today, marking the start of a year-long facelift programme. The area is home to hippopotamus, camels, sheep, goats and birds.


Emirates Park Zoo unveils special Eid package

Abu Dhabi-based Emirates Park Zoo and Resort said it has organised a comprehensive full-day package for a memorable and fun Eid for its customers - mostly families. The guests will get to spend a day amidst animals and wildlife du


UAE to promote animal welfare programmes

The Ministry of Environment and Water has signed a MoU with the Emirates Society for Animal Welfare (ESAW) and the Emirates Park Zoo to promote joint projects on animal welfare. The agreement was signed on the sidelines of Adihex

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