Friday 14 June 2024
data theft

Travelport offers agents new tool to tackle cyber hacking

Data theft, cyber hacking, and fraud in the travel industry are on the rise and hence, Travelport has partnered SecurityMetrics, a provider of data security and compliance for organisations worldwide, to offer the PCI DSS Certification program.


25pc of firms using public cloud have had data stolen

One-in-four organizations that uses Infrastructure-as-a-Service or Software-as-a-Service has had data stolen, and one-in-five has experienced an advanced attack against its public cloud infrastructure, said a new report. Poor visi


Yahoo faces growing scrutiny over data theft

Yahoo on Friday faced pointed questions about exactly when it knew about a cyber attack that exposed the email credentials of 500 million users, a critical issue for the company as it seeks to prevent the breach from affecting a pending takeover


Preventing DNS-based data exfiltration

Theft of sensitive or regulated data and intellectual property is one of the most serious risks to an enterprise. DNS is frequently used as a pathway for data exfiltration, because it is not inspected by common security products such as firewall

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