Saturday 1 June 2024

Iraqi forces advance within 8km from Mosul

Kurdish Peshmerga forces were within eight kilometres of Mosul on Sunday, after days of fighting and sweeping territorial gains in the operation to free the key Iraqi city from the control of Islamic State (IS), a report said. Ent


Iraqi govt reaches deal with Kurds on oil, budget

Iraq's government reached a formal agreement on Tuesday with Kurdish regional authorities to end a protracted dispute over oil exports and budget payments to the semi-autonomous Kurdish region. Finance Minister Hoshiyar Zebari


Kurds fight to retake dam with US air support

Kurdish fighters pushed to retake Iraq's largest dam on Sunday and the US conducted a second day of air strikes in the area in a drive to reverse gains by Islamic State insurgents who have overrun much of the country's north.


US begins direct arms shipments to Kurdish forces

The US government is directly supplying weapons to Peshmerga fighters from Iraq's semiautonomous Kurdish region to help them fight Islamist militants, in a deepening of America's military involvement in Iraq, US officials said on Monday.

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