Tuesday 4 June 2024
ICDL Arabia

TRA signs co-op deal with ICDL Arabia

The UAE Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) said it has signed an agreement with ICDL Arabia for a three-year-term, with the aim of co-operating in the areas of building and developing the necessary skills and awareness of government o


TRA signs co-op deal with ICDL Arabia

The UAE Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) said it has signed an agreement with ICDL Arabia for a three-year-term, with the aim of co-operating in the areas of building and developing the necessary skills and awareness of government o


ICDL Arabia in deal to boost digital skills in Egypt

ICDL Arabia has signed a three-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Egypt’s Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport aiming to develop digital skills in Egypt and the region. The signatories will


ICDL Arabia in deal to boost digital skills in Egypt

ICDL Arabia has signed a three-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Egypt’s Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport aiming to develop digital skills in Egypt and the region. The signatories will


ICDL, HSBC launch IT training camps in UAE

ICDL Arabia, certification authority of the ICDL certificate programme, and HSBC Bank Middle East have collaborated for the fourth consecutive year to train 114 children from Dubai and Sharjah on fundamental digital skills. The la


ICDL honoured for raising cyber safety awareness

ICDL Arabia, the governing body of the ICDL certificate programme in Egypt, GCC and Iraq, has been honoured by UAE’s Ministry of Interior (Child Protection Center) for raising awareness on cyber safety among children. The or


ICDL Arabia wins ‘Best Practice Award’ at ICT event

ICDL Arabia, the governing body and certification authority of the ICDL program in Egypt, GCC States and Iraq, has won the ‘Best Practice Award’ during ECDL Foundation’s Forum 2015, held recently in Warsaw, Poland.


Cairo University seals ICDL Arabia pact

Cairo University has signed a three-year agreement with ICDL Arabia, the regional arm of the ECDL Foundation, to enhance students’ digital proficiency in a bid to align their skills with today’s job market demands. Und


ICDL to crackdown on fake certificate racket

ICDL Arabia has warned that it will take tough and immediate legal actions against all those who illegally produce, sell and grant fake ICDL certificates. ICDL Arabia is the governing body and certification authority for the ICDL certif

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