Sunday 2 June 2024
bahrain student

Kidnappers hike ransom for Bahraini student

The kidnappers of a Bahraini student in Malaysia have increased their ransom demand from BD2,260 to BD3,000 ($5,966 to $7,920). The Royal Malaysian Police in co-ordination with Bahrain's Foreign Affairs Ministry are searching


Kidnappers hike ransom for Bahraini student

The kidnappers of a Bahraini student in Malaysia have increased their ransom demand from BD2,260 to BD3,000 ($5,966 to $7,920). The Royal Malaysian Police in co-ordination with Bahrain's Foreign Affairs Ministry are searching


Relatives still in dark about Bahraini student's fate

The relatives of a Bahraini student kidnapped in Malaysia are still in the dark about his fate. Ali Ahmed Al Nashaba, 20, was snatched from his Linton university campus in Kuala Lumpur by three men on Tuesday morning.

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