Monday 17 June 2024
eid holiday

Dubai’s RTA lifts nearly 3m riders during Eid

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has revealed the total ridership of public transport means in Dubai during Eid Al-Fitr holiday reached 2,891,557 riders. Nasir Hamad Bu Shehab, CEO of Strategy & Corporate Gove


Bahrain hotels see big boost over Eid

Bahrain’s four-star hotels reported up to 75 per cent occupancy rates yesterday (July 28) as an influx of visitors from GCC countries gave a fresh impetus to the kingdom’s hospitality industry. Holidaymakers  filled mal


UAE markets resume trade; Dana in focus

UAE's two bourses will resume trading on Monday after a four-day Eid al Adha holiday but activity is likely to be muted with all other Gulf markets still closed. Dana Gas may see increased interest as its $1 billion Islamic bo


Business in Bahrain soars during Eid

Bahrain's malls and restaurants enjoyed roaring trade over the three-day Eid holiday, while almost all the kingdom's four and five-star hotels were full to capacity, according to official figures. The hotels showed most had occu


Eid holiday from Oct 11-16 for Qatar banks

Qatar's central bank will close from October 11-16 inclusive for the Eid al-Fitr holiday that marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, the official QNA news agency said. All banks in Qatar will be closed during the holiday and will reop

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