Monday 17 June 2024
Libya ports

Most Libyan ports ‘operating despite violence’

Most ports in Libya are still able to operate despite the country's rival governments, economic chaos and increasing violence between armed groups, a shipping industry official said on Monday. Libya is in turmoil as a result o


Three tankers to lift oil at eastern Libyan ports

Three tankers plan to lift 1.7 million barrels of crude from ports in eastern Libya this week, oil officials said on Monday, giving hope to the battered energy sector in the North African country. The OPEC member state's oil s


Libyan port rebels see deal within weeks

A deal to lift an armed blockade of Libyan oil ports and restart exports could be possible within two weeks, after talks with the government advanced on key demands, a senior leader of the protest movement said. Abb-Rabbo al-Baras

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