Sunday 16 June 2024

ABB to set up turbocharging service point in Cyprus

ABB Turbocharging, a leading provider of turbocharging systems, and Cyprus-based Multimarine Services (MMS) have agreed to open an ABB Turbocharging Service Point at the MMS shipyard facility at Limassol Port to better serve customers.


ABB to set up turbocharging service point in Cyprus

ABB Turbocharging, a leading provider of turbocharging systems, and Cyprus-based Multimarine Services (MMS) have agreed to open an ABB Turbocharging Service Point at the MMS shipyard facility at Limassol Port to better serve customers.


ABB opens turbocharging unit in Dubai

Drydocks World has announced that ABB’s first-ever Middle Eastern turbocharging service point is now in operation inside its Dubai-based facility. An international service provider to the maritime, oil & gas and energy s

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