Sunday 2 June 2024

Wearables moving to mainstream

As wearables are becoming more ubiquitous in daily life, they are moving beyond mere health and fitness and entering the mainstream through utility in personal safety, security and interaction with the internet of things (IoT), said a report.


Wearables moving to mainstream

As wearables are becoming more ubiquitous in daily life, they are moving beyond health and fitness and entering the mainstream through utility in personal safety, security and interaction with the internet of things (IoT), said a report.


Wearables moving to mainstream

As wearables are becoming more ubiquitous in daily life, they are moving beyond health and fitness and entering the mainstream through utility in personal safety, security and interaction with the internet of things (IoT), said a report.


Connectivity: 10 hot consumer trends for 2015

Consumers want technology and connectivity to be integrated into all facets of daily life – in everything from bathroom mirrors, to sidewalks and medicine jars, a report said, detailing the 10 hot consumer trends for 2015 and beyond.

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