Monday 17 June 2024

Qatar Rail's awareness programmes to help expat workers

Qatar Railways Company, in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior, and in the presence of representatives from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, has launched an awareness programme for foreign employees and labourers working on Qat


Qatar Rail's awareness programmes to help expat workers

Qatar Railways Company, in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior, and in the presence of representatives from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, has launched an awareness programme for foreign employees and labourers working on Qat


New push to evict labourers in Bahraini neighbourhood

Councillors want to evict expat labourers from their homes in the south of the country in a bid to woo Bahraini families back to their old neighbourhoods. The Southern Municipal Council has submitted the proposal to relocate forei


Diplomat in Bahrain backs call to segregate labourers

An Asian diplomat has backed calls to segregate labourers from the rest of the community, but only if they are provided with ‘proper’ and ‘secure’ accommodation. Bangladesh Embassy minister Mehdi Hasan said


Pay row labourers in Bahrain receive wages

A group of 41 labourers who said they were forced to sleep rough on the streets of Manama, Bahrain because their employer allegedly failed to pay them have finally collected their salaries. They received their payment for three mo


Construction labourers in Bahrain in wages row

A group of 41 labourers claim to have been forced to sleep rough on the streets of Manama, Bahrain after their employer allegedly failed to pay for their accommodation. The workers, a mix of Indian, Pakistani, Nepalese and Banglad


New association for expat labourers' rights

Unionists in Bahrain are mobilising to create a new association that will fight for the rights of more than 120,000 expatriate labourers working in Bahrain's construction sector.   The initiative, spearheaded

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