Friday 14 June 2024

Latest trends in seafood at Dubai's Seafex

Top companies from the local and international markets will discuss and showcase latest developments at Seafex, one of six hospitality and niche food trade shows co-located under the umbrella of the Dubai International Hospitality Week (DIHW), n


UAE's food sector sales poised to top $16bn

UAE food sales are projected to grow by an annual average of 7.3 per cent to reach $16.7 billion in 2020, according to a new report. The BMI report is commissioned by Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) and released in tandem with the


145 global exhibitors for Dubai seafood expo

More than 145 plus exhibitors from over 25 nations are taking part in the upcoming Seafex, the region’s first professional seafood show in Dubai, UAE. The event runs from November 7 to 9 at the Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC


Over 13,000 attend niche food shows in Dubai

More than 13,000 visitors attended the Speciality Food Festival, Seafex and Sweets & Snacks Middle East, a of niche food shows, that recently concluded at Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC). The shows, which ran across 14,040 sq


Seafex to discuss Gulf’s growing seafood consumption

The Gulf region’s rising per capita seafood consumption will be discussed at the Seafex 2014, the region's biggest international trade fair for the seafood industry in Dubai, UAE, next  month. The event will host bo

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