Sunday 2 June 2024

Saudi to raise December crude prices to Asia

Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia is likely to raise the prices of most crude grades it sells to Asia in December on a stronger Dubai benchmark and better fuel oil margins, traders said on Monday.   The Opec kingpin


‘Extra screen time drags down teenagers' exam grades’

Teenagers who spend an extra hour a day surfing the internet, watching TV or playing computer games risk performing two grades worse in exams than their peers who do not, according to research by British scientists.  


Saudi to cut August medium, heavy crude oil prices

Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia is expected to cut monthly prices for medium and heavy grades it sells to Asia in August on weaker fuel oil cracks, while keeping the price for its flagship light crude little changed, traders said. &


Saudi to raise OSPs for most grades in July

Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia could raise the official selling prices (OSPs) for most of its crude in July on support from a wider Dubai backwardation, stronger fuel oil cracks and firm spot demand for Arab Medium, according to a Reuters poll.

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