Friday 14 June 2024
Bo Xilai

China's Bo admits 'shame', denies protecting wife

Ousted senior Chinese politician Bo Xilai admitted to shaming his country and poorly handling a defection attempt by his former police chief after he told Bo his wife had committed murder, but Bo denied trying to protect her from the accusation.


China implicates Bo for 1st time in criminal case

China implicated for the first time on Wednesday former senior politician Bo Xilai in a criminal act while avoiding naming him directly, in a published account by state media of the trial of his one-time police chief. Wang Lijun,


China's Kailai gets suspended death term

A Chinese court sentenced the wife of disgraced Politburo member Bo Xilai to death on Monday but suspended her execution, ending one chapter in a scandal that has shaken the ruling Communist Party ahead of a leadership transition later this year


China ejects Bo from top ranks

China's Communist Party has suspended former high-flying politician Bo Xilai from its top ranks and named his wife a suspect in the murder of a British businessman, a dramatic turn in a scandal shaking leadership succession plans.  &

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