Saturday 1 June 2024
Carol Talbot

80pc of thinking ‘unconscious’

The unconscious mind is the driver of human action, said a leading learning consultant, adding that whatever is happening in one’s life right now is the result of the unconscious mind. Carol Talbot, a Dubai-based fire starter, suggests tha


Time to re-think team development strategy

In the midst of change, it is high time the Middle East region’s human resource sector started rethinking its team development methods and looked deep inside for new answers to both business and personal growth, said an expert. “Whatever i


Mideast ‘rich in human capital’

The Middle East is rich in human capital and talent, much of which is yet to be realised, appreciated and put to good use, said a leading Dubai-based learning consultant. “Indeed, the region’s entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well. In t

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