Saturday 1 June 2024
spy chief

Saudi spy chief Prince Bandar replaced

Saudi Arabian intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the architect of Riyadh's attempts to bring down Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has been removed from his post, state media reported on Tuesday. His departure, mont


Libya's deputy spy chief kidnapped

Libya's deputy intelligence chief was kidnapped outside Tripoli airport on Sunday, two security sources said, days after clashes between rival militias and protesters in the capital killed at least 45 people. Mustafa Noah, the


Gaddafi spy chief arrested in Mauritania

Mauritania arrested Muammar Gaddafi's ex-spy chief, Abdullah al-Senussi, after he arrived on an overnight flight, officials said on Saturday, triggering a three-way tussle for his extradition. Senussi, who for decades before the late dicta

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