Sunday 2 June 2024
Oil producers

UAE to attend Doha oil producers meeting

The United Arab Emirates will take part in an upcoming meeting in Doha between Opec and non-Opec oil producers, the Gulf state's energy minister said on Thursday. "We received an invitation to participate in the Doha meet


Iraqi Kurdistan oil firms go domestic amid dearth of export pay

Oil producers in Iraqi Kurdistan, including Gulf Keystone Petroleum and Genel, have started ramping up deliveries to the local market at the expense of foreign sales after months of unpaid export bills.   Gulf Ke


Opec shifts its oil trade map after shale

Opec oil exporters on Thursday, set to leave output policy unchanged, were weighing the impact of rising supplies of US shale oil that are redrawing the landscape of global oil trade. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Co


Key ME oil firms ‘will meet 2012 energy demand’

Major Middle Eastern oil producers will step in to fill any gap caused by supply shortages this year, the IEA's chief economist Fatih Birol said on Friday, while global energy demand will eventually recover from a fall caused by economic slowdown.

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