Tuesday 18 June 2024
Prince Ali

Fifa passes reforms in bid to end corruption

Soccer's world governing body Fifa has taken a first step towards overcoming years of corruption and scandal by overwhelmingly passing a set of reforms intended to make it more transparent, professional and accountable. The pa


Prince Ali confident of winning Fifa election

The Jordanian prince beaten in May's Fifa presidential election says he can win the race to become president next February because the old order which led world soccer's governing body into crisis is being swept away. Prin


Prince Ali hints he will stand for Fifa presidency

Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein of Jordan, beaten in May's Fifa presidential election by Sepp Blatter, strongly hinted he will stand for the position again while speaking to delegates at the Soccerex business convention on Monday. A


Fifa postpones 2026 bid, seeks new chief

Scandal-plagued Fifa postponed the bidding for the right to host the 2026 World Cup on Wednesday and embarked on the search to find a replacement for outgoing President Sepp Blatter. Fifa secretary general Jerome Valcke said durin


Jordan eyes Fifa president job for Prince Ali

The Jordanian FA has begun legal inquiries into whether defeated FIFA presidential candidate Prince Ali bin Al Hussein could replace Sepp Blatter without the need for a second election, it said on Tuesday. Blatter unexpectedly ann


Blatter wins fifth Fifa term as challenger concedes

Sepp Blatter was re-elected president of Fifa for a fifth term on Friday after his only challenger conceded defeat in an election overshadowed by allegations of rampant corruption in world soccer. Blatter won despite demands that


Blatter defies calls to quit as FIFA scandal widens

FIFA President Sepp Blatter rejected an emotional plea to resign from one of the world's soccer greats on Thursday as the corruption scandal engulfing the game's governing body drew warnings from sponsors and political leaders.


Cameron backs Prince Ali for Fifa presidency

Prime Minister David Cameron backed Jordan's Prince Ali bin Al Hussein's candidacy to be the next president of world soccer's scandal-hit governing body Fifa, the British leader's spokesman said on Thursday. "


Platini pledges support for Prince Ali in Fifa bid

UEFA president Michel Platini has reiterated his support for Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein in the Jordanian's bid to usurp incumbent Sepp Blatter in this week's Fifa presidency vote. Prince Ali is the only remaining candidate


Fifa 'taking the wrong approach to development'

Fifa presidential candidate Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein of Jordan believes that world soccer's governing body is taking the wrong approach to development of the sport, leaving many national associations without basics such as kit and pitches.

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