Sunday 16 June 2024
Nail Polish

Glitzy Dubai eyes profit in setting Islamic standards

From cosmetics to accommodation, travel to toothpaste, complying with religious principles is becoming big business in the Muslim world, and Dubai, better known for flamboyance and unrestrained consumerism, sees an opportunity. Th


CND unveils new 'Valentine' shades

CND Shellac, a big name in the nail, hand and foot beauty products sector, has unveiled two new shades of red nail polish for the Valentine season. CND (Creative Nail Design) said the new colours - Wildfire is a perfect shade to match any


CND unveils new 'Valentine' shades

CND Shellac, a big name in the nail, hand and foot beauty products sector, has unveiled two new shades of red nail polish for the Valentine season. CND (Creative Nail Design) said the new colours - Wildfire is a perfect shade to match any

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