Sunday 2 June 2024

Saudi summons Iran envoy over poisoning case

Saudi Arabia summoned Iran's ambassador on Tuesday after four Saudis died from poisoning in the northeast Iranian city of Mashhad, Saudi foreign ministry spokesman Osama Naqli said in a statement published on the state news agency.


Arafat didn't die of poisoning, says French report

Yasser Arafat was not the victim of poisoning, French forensic scientists concluded on Tuesday, countering a Swiss report on the 2004 death of the Palestinian leader that found he was probably killed with radioactive polonium. The


Four die of CO poisoning in Bahrain

Four labourers died of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning at their living quarters in Hamad Town in Bahrain on Monday. Police said the men never woke up after lighting a wood fire in an empty paint drum in the room they shared before going to

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