Monday 17 June 2024

New hotlines to be set up to curb violence

Complaint hotlines will be set up in Bahrain to record human rights violations and vandalism. They will be operated by National Unity Assembly (NUA) teams in Busaiteen and Riffa, and people living in the country's five governo


Bahrain minister vows security

Bahrain's Interior Minister last night confirmed that security had been restored to the Kingdom, but he was concerned about continuing attacks against his officers. He described the them as terrorist confrontations, adding that courts had


Bahrain security vows action on vandalism

Bahrain's Public Security chief Major-General Tareq Al Hassan last night vowed zero tolerance of vandalism and said law enforcement is the ultimate solution to the problem. He confirmed violence in a number of villages earlier yesterda


Bahrain to instal CCTV in govt schools

CCTV will be installed at all government schools in Bahrain to combat acts of sabotage and vandalism, said a senior government official Education Minister Dr Majid Al Nuaimi told MPs that deliberate attacks were taking place despite round-

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