Sunday 2 June 2024
Unpaid wages

Labourers strike over unpaid wages in Bahrain

A total of 178 labourers at a construction company in Bahrain downed tools yesterday (March 16) in a row over pay. They also staged a protest outside Cyprus Building and Road Construction Company (Cybroc) in Manama, claiming they


Labourers strike over unpaid wages in Bahrain

A total of 178 labourers at a construction company in Bahrain downed tools yesterday (March 16) in a row over pay. They also staged a protest outside Cyprus Building and Road Construction Company (Cybroc) in Manama, claiming they


Construction firm workers strike over pay

Around 1,000 workers and 100 construction company staff went on strike yesterday (December 11) in Bahrain over alleged unpaid wages for the past seven months. The electricians, mechanics, plumbers, labourers, masons, carpenters, engineers,

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