Sunday 2 June 2024
Lube Plant

Bapco plant in fray for top award

Bahrain's $314 million Bapco Lube Base Oil Plant is competing in the HLG Leighton Contracting Oil and Gas Project of the Year category at Meed Quality Awards for Projects 2012. Twenty-two other companies - with a combined value of more


Bapco lube plant wins top quality award

The $314 million Bapco Lube Base Oil Plant has been declared the winner of the Meed Quality Awards for Projects, the only awards programme in the GCC to recognise completed quality projects. Judged by an independent panel consisting of exp


Lube base oil plant set to be launched

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa will patronise the launch of the Lube Base Oil plant, a first of its kind eco-friendly project in the region, in Bahrain today. More than 350 financiers, business peopl


Bapco JV plant opens next week

Preparations are currently underway in Bahrain for the official opening of the Lube Base Oil Plant, a joint venture between Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco), Neste Oil of Finland and Nogaholding. The plant will be officially opened by His

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