Sunday 2 June 2024

Bahrain launches 10,000 jobs plan

A national scheme has been launched to help 10,000 unemployed Bahrainis to find jobs in the next two years.   The BD30 million ($79.1 million) National Employment Project (NEP) aims to tackle unemployment in the


Bahrain's ministry vows help for unemployed

About 400 people lost their jobs during the fourth quarter last year in Bahrain, the kingdom's Labour Minister said. "There is no country with zero dismissals," Jameel Humaidan said in a report in the Gulf Daily News


Young jobless Tunisian sets himself on fire

  An unemployed young man set himself on fire in the centre of Tunis on Tuesday in a gesture recalling the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi, whose death ignited a revolt in Tunisia that echoed across the Arab world.


Arab govts 'struggle to shift jobs to choosy locals'

Across the Gulf, Arab governments seek to create more private sector jobs for citizens while reducing reliance on hundreds of thousands of expats, who fill posts in sectors ranging from construction and public transport to tourism,

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