Saturday 1 June 2024
super rich

Mena's super rich eyeing commercial real estate sector

Commercial real estate is expected to become an established component of the investment portfolios of the ultra-high net worth individuals (UHNWIs) from the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region over the next decade, said a report.


Super-rich shaping world property market

Private wealth is increasingly shaping the world’s real estate markets and the use of private equity in major property deals worth at least $10 million has nearly trebled since 2009, said a report. Real estate now accounts f


Wealth-X to provide news on super rich

Wealth-X, the world’s leading ultra high net worth (UHNW) intelligence provider, has launched a unique digital intelligence and analysis platform collating daily news about the ultra wealthy – Wealth-X News. Wealth-X N


Middle East millionaires' wealth totals $1.7 trillion

The number of millionaires in the Middle East swelled 10.4 per cent in 2010 to 400,000, while their wealth jumped 12.5 per cent to $1.7 trillion, a report said. Meanwhile, the ranks of millionaires in Asia for the first time surpassed Eur


ME developers woo China's new super-rich

Middle East property firms are targeting China's rapidly-growing club of super-rich investors with their iconic developments as the Asian giant streaks ahead of developed economies in the world wealth rankings. The Middle East's Meydan, ET


China super-rich hit 150,000, growing fast

China has 150,000 super-rich with personal wealth of $5 million or more and their ranks are rising fast, pushing up prices for golf, yachting, villas and other luxuries, researcher Rupert Hoogewerf said on Wednesday. "The number of wealthy

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