Sunday 16 June 2024
ATC tower

Oman to launch fourth regional airport this month

Oman is set to officially launch its fourth regional airport on Janauary 14 at Duqm, located 3,000 km from capital Muscat. The Duqm Airport, which will come up on 27,386 sq m area, has an area capacity of half million travellers a


Oman to launch fourth regional airport this month

Oman is set to officially launch its fourth regional airport on Janauary 14 at Duqm, located 3,000 km from capital Muscat. The Duqm Airport, which will come up on 27,386 sq m area, has an area capacity of half million travellers a


Naco says Kuwait airport revamp work in full swing

Naco, a Dutch airport consultancy and engineering company, said it has started work on a major redevelopment project at Kuwait International Airport which includes the setting up of a brand new third runway besides all airside and landside infra


Naco says Kuwait airport revamp work in full swing

Naco, a Dutch airport consultancy and engineering company, said it has started work on a major redevelopment project at Kuwait International Airport which includes the setting up of a brand new third runway besides all airside and landside infra


JXB ATC tower work ahead of schedule

Work on the Dubai World Central International Airport’s (JXB) air traffic control (ATC) tower is moving ahead of schedule, a spokesman said. “Progress is ahead of schedule with 60 per cent of the 92-metre tall ATC tower complete,” said Abd

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