Tuesday 18 June 2024

Mazola wins ‘Product of the Year’ award

Mazola, a pioneer of healthy food products in the Gulf, won the ‘Product of the Year’ award for its sunflower oil in the cooking oil category in Dubai recently. It was rewarded for its innovation in the fast moving con


Egypt seeks 20,000 tonnes sunflower oil in tender

Egypt's state-owned Food Industries Holding Company is looking to buy 20,000 tonnes of sunflower oil in a tender, a Cairo-based trader said on Sunday. FIHC is looking to buy the oil for arrival April 5 to 25, the trader said.


Egypt Meditrade buys sunflower, soyoil

Egyptian commodity purchasing enterprise Meditrade has bought 20,000 tonnes of sunflower oil and 25,000 tonnes of soyoil in a tender, said a trader. Meditrade bought the sunflower oil from Nidera at $1,058.85 a tonne on a cost and freight

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