Thursday 13 June 2024

Google launches video call on smartphone

Now, all you need is a phone number to start a video call with any contact who uses an Android- or iOS-based smartphone. Google on Tuesday launched Google Duo, pitting it directly against Apple Inc's FaceTime, which allows vid


Homes used for illicit acts knocked down in Bahrain

Six abandoned homes in Bahrain thought to be used for ‘illicit acts’ have been knocked down. They are among more than 100 houses earmarked for demolition by the Northern Governorate’s Abandoned and Suspicious Hom


Hurricane Irene slams Puerto Rico, threatens Florida

Hurricane Irene buffeted Puerto Rico with winds and torrential rain on Monday, knocking out power and downing trees as it churned westward on a track that will threaten Florida by the end of the week. Local media in the US Caribbean territ

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