Tuesday 18 June 2024
domain names

Apple registers automobile domain names

Apple Inc has registered domain names related to automobiles, adding to speculation about the company's plans to develop an automobile. The iPhone maker registered the domain names, which include apple.car, apple.cars and appl


Apple registers automobile domain names

Apple Inc has registered domain names related to automobiles, adding to speculation about the company's plans to develop an automobile. The iPhone maker registered the domain names, which include apple.car, apple.cars and appl


Domain names online marketplace set for launch

Asamies.com, the Mena region’s first of its kind online marketplace and which aims to provide SMEs and entrepreneurs in the region a wide variety of catchy business names to pick from, is officially launching next week in Dubai, UAE.


Over 113,000 .ae domain names registered

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has said that as of January 2014, 113,000 .ae domain names have been registered.   It said Etisalat continues to have the largest market share of 69.32 percent, followed by In


Corporate web suffixes allowed

The regulatory body that oversees Internet domain names voted on Monday to revamp the domain naming system for websites, allowing them to end with words like "apple" and "orange" instead of suffixes such as ".com" or ".gov". "ICANN has ope

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