Sunday 2 June 2024
Government policy

Global economy 'stuck in low gear'

Modest global economic forecasts, continuing high unemployment, and downshifts in potential output call on governments to fully employ monetary, fiscal and structural policy levers to support growth, a report said. The Economic Ou


Stronger policy urged to cut risks to economic growth

  Modest global economic forecasts, continuing high unemployment, and downshifts in potential output call on governments to fully employ monetary, fiscal and structural policy levers to support growth, a report said.


Four key areas to target for long-term GCC growth

Nationalisation, diversification, global positioning and stability are key areas for governments and businesses in the region to consider for the future of GCC growth, said a report. The four biggest drivers of policy, common acro


Bahrain 'Mideast gateway to admin sciences'

Bahrain has become a gateway to administrative sciences in the Middle East, said an expert, highlighting the importance of public administration in shaping government policies with the aim of developing societies. International In


China May factory growth slows on govt curbs

Chinese factories expanded in May at their lowest pace in at least nine months, two surveys showed on Wednesday, reinforcing evidence that the economy is slowing under the weight of government credit curbs and power shortages. Despite Beij

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