Sunday 2 June 2024
Bin Hammam

BP, Budweiser join demand to tackle graft allegations

Two more international companies joined the ranks of World Cup sponsors pressing soccer's rulers to tackle corruption allegations over the awarding of the 2022 tournament to Qatar. The calls from oil company BP and the maker o


Re-vote just one option: Fifa candidate

Fifa have more options available than just organising a re-vote to decide new 2022 World Cup hosts if allegations are proved that Qatar's winning bid to stage the finals was corrupt, said Fifa presidential candidate Jerome Champagne.


World Cup 2022: Qatar denies wrongdoing

Qatari organisers of soccer's 2022 World Cup have "vehemently" denied accusations their successful bid was corrupt, saying its lawyers were looking into claims made by a British Sunday newspaper. The Qataris issued t


Bin Hammam to appeal against Fifa life ban

Mohamed Bin Hammam, the Asian soccer chief who was due to challenge Sepp Blatter for the Fifa presidency last month, was banned for life by football's ruling body on Saturday for his part in a cash-for-votes scandal. The 62-year-old Qatari


Fifa found 'overwhelming' evidence of bribery

Fifa's ethics committee found "comprehensive, convincing and overwhelming" evidence that Mohamed bin Hammam and Jack Warner were involved in attempted bribery, according to a preliminary report. Trinidadian Warner resigned as a Fifa v


Bin Hammam pulls out from Fifa race

Mohamed Bin Hammam of Qatar withdrew his candidacy for the post of Fifa president on Saturday, one day before he is due to face an Ethics Committee hearing into bribery allegations.    Bin Hammam, 62, president of the Asian

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