Sunday 2 June 2024
industrial gases

Air Products, Dhahran Techno to build top tech centre

US-based Air Products, a leading industrial gases company, has signed an agreement with Dhahran Techno Valley Company to build and develop a world-class technology centre in Saudi Arabia. "We are delighted and proud to be bui


Saudi industrial gases market to cross $1.6bn by 2021

The growing focus on oil and gas midstream sector and increasing penetration of global players will drive the Saudi Arabian industrial gases market to cross SR6 billion ($1.6 billion) by 2021, according to a recent report. The rep


Saudi industrial gases market to cross $1.6bn by 2021

The growing focus on oil and gas midstream sector and increasing penetration of global players will drive the Saudi Arabian industrial gases market to cross SR6 billion ($1.6 billion) by 2021, according to a recent report. The rep


Aramco, French group seal nitrogen deal

French industrial gases group Air Liquide signed on Saturday a long-term agreement to supply nitrogen to state oil giant Saudi Aramco. Under the 20-year deal, the French firm will supply at least 5 million standard cubic feet per day of ni

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