Monday 17 June 2024

Drones set to revolutionise ecological monitoring

Ecologists have a new tool for protecting the environment and monitoring ecological changes, according to an Australian study published.   Aerial surveillance robots are more precise than traditional surveying te


Dubai 'green city' welcomes first residents

UAE-based Diamond Developers officially welcomed its first set of tenants to The Sustainable City, a fully integrated sustainable community in Dubai ushering in a new era for ecological and environmentally-friendly living. Spread


Dubai 'green city' welcomes first residents

UAE-based Diamond Developers officially welcomed its first set of tenants to The Sustainable City, a fully integrated sustainable community in Dubai ushering in a new era for ecological and environmentally-friendly living. Spread


UAE ‘top buyer of eco-friendly products’

Consumers in the UAE are among the top purchasers of ecological and organic products, but rank near the bottom when it comes to recycling household waste, said a report. Women and older consumers are more environmentally conscious, added t

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